Friday, May 22, 2020

Lizards Wear Blue Eye Shadow?

Carolina green anole

This little Carolina green anole (Anolis carolinensis) was definitely ready for his closeup. I took the photo a couple of years ago and since then we have seen fewer and fewer of these colorful lizards around the patio and yard due to the invasion of Cuban brown anoles (Anolis sagrei). Green anoles eat lots of the insects that plague us so in the Deep South but the Cuban browns are devastating their population by eating their eggs and babies. Research has found that the green lizards have shifted to living higher in the trees in order to stay out of the Cuban brown lizards' reach. My own research has revealed that even though my cats will catch a green anole any time they get a chance, they are not at all interested in the brown ones. Maybe they aren't so tasty? Who knows? Little Bubba and Lady Gaga the Cat are keeping pretty schtum on the matter.

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